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Writer's pictureLayne Daniels

Make Career Goals Happen in 2016: Here’s How

Do you even remember the resolutions you made at the start of 2015? Did you manage to keep any of them? If you’re like 92% of us, you probably didn’t. As 2016 looms, don’t just make a list of resolutions that you end up throwing out before you’ve even recovered from your NYE hangover.

Make goals; but also make a plan how you will achieve those goals and you’ll likely be more successful. Here are 6 ways to take action, and achieve your career goals in the New Year.

Take action and achieve your goals.

Carve out some assessment time Consider where you are in your career, and whether it’s really where you want to be. Do you find yourself coming home and complaining to your roommate on a nightly basis? Do you feel like you’re not challenged, or so complacent you can do your job blindfold? Whatever your reasons, take a step back—maybe even take a vacation—and really decide whether this job is right for you. Perhaps a break is just what you need to reignite the fire you once had for your job, or maybe you’ll decide it’s simply time to move on.

Take a class Consider your current skillset and the skills you need for the job you really want. How can you improve at what you do? Whether you’re new to the workforce, or are a seasoned veteran in your field, anyone could benefit from brushing up on something—presentation, management, or computer skills, for example—or learn new tricks of the trade that may have evolved since you were in college. Taking a class can look good on your resume if you’re after a new job, and can also show your commitment to that job promotion you know you deserve.

Get a book, and actually read it One characteristic of successful people is that they read about the industry they’re in. Whether its business websites, magazines, or books by the latest and greatest players in the industry, get smart about what’s happening today, right now. Read books by successful entrepreneurs and learn ways you too can achieve greatness in your career, even if it’s on a different scale. You can never know too much, and it always helps to be educated on relevant topics that come up in the workplace. Check out this list of the most influential books of 2015, according to Business Insider.

Network Do you love the idea of going to an industry event to schmooze and rub elbows with all the right people? Perhaps you do. But there are other productive ways to network too—reach out to former coworkers via email, make connections on LinkedIn, or even ask a current coworker to coffee. Create positive relationships with others within your chosen field, and maintain those over time. You don’t have to be besties, but if you’re on the job hunt, it’s always good to know as many people as possible. Even if you’re not actively looking, someone may think of you if he or she hears of an opening.

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile Time to dust off that old resume, and try to remember your LinkedIn login. Whether you’re on the job-searching scene or not, it’s a good exercise in learning more about yourself—what exactly have you been doing over the last few months or years? Plus, when the time does come that you’re looking for something new, or your review pops up again, you’ll be fully ready to disclose how awesome you are to anyone who will listen.

Determine your worth and ask for a raise There is a really good chance that you are underpaid for what you do—in fact according to a survey, over half of Americans feel this way. There is no better time to ask for a raise than during your annual performance review, which tends to happen toward the end of the year. Do you research and find out your worth—not just by job title, but based on what you actually do. Maybe you have more responsibility now than you did upon your hire date. Make note of all your strengths and successes, and be prepared to present a compelling case for why you deserve a raise. On the flip side, also be cognizant of your weaknesses, and come up with a tangible plan for fixing any—like taking a course, or shadowing a colleague for a day.

There is a famous quote by French writer, Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Keep that in mind as you make your resolutions this year. Don’t just think about what you want to achieve, come up with ways to actually achieve them, and you probably will.

-- Want to love Mondays? It’s possible when you love what you do. Paradigm is a San Diego staffing agency dedicated to finding the perfect job for candidates like you. We’re connected with some of the most innovative tech companies around, giving our employees that competitive edge needed in today’s job market. We hope to hear from you today, and let's make your career goals happen.

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